Ambition · Goals · Holistic Living · Life Advice · Personal · Practical · Relationships · Soulful

It’s a new year, Bla Bla

So the much anticipated 2018 has arrived. Full of hope, promises, and inspiration. The truth is that this year is no different to last, We didn’t need a glass of champagne at midnight for us to make changes and be better people, accomplish amazing things and kick ass. The harsher truth is, that if you weren’t prepared to do those things and be that person at any stage during 2017, the chances are, you won’t change anything this year either. And yeah that may dampen your kiff new year vibe, but you really didn’t need a new year to start being the best you possible. You just needed to face a few truths in life.

I once had this jackass of a boss. He really was a jerk but he taught me 2 very important things. one was about a Career Limiting Move and the other was that people don’t change unless the fear of change is less than the fear of staying the same. It wasn’t until much later in life, did I actually even realise the magnitude of those two lessons.

So here is my thing, No one is ever going to change, be it spiritually, mentally, career-wise, in your relationship, anywhere, ever until the fear of being that person is less than change. Change is fucking scary, but fear only exists in our hearts and minds so, in reality, there is nothing scary about change, we just make excuses so that we don’t have to face any pain, do anything differently, or put any more effort into anything.

So why wait for a New Year, because we like to fool ourself that we can be better without doing any work. Like we can heal hurt without ever dealing with it and letting it go. We can face fears without ever facing our demons. But news flash, none of that shit is ever going to happen, until YOU do the work. You cannot love and be loved until you love yourself. You cannot be successful if you don’t believe in yourself. You cannot change until you realise that you need to change and that being the person you currently are is more fearful than changing.


But I’m not all Harsh truths and gloom, none of those Near Year aspirations will ever become reality if we don’t praise ourselves either. Take a little time to tell yourself just how fucken strong you are to have survived 2017, That you have done good and shit is okay. That you are a good mom, a good person, a success. Because if you don’t cheer for yourself, who else will?

So Let go of that Hurt, Face those Demons, Cheer for yourself and Fuck Fear. And don’t wait another year to be the person you were born to be.


Do that shit now


Peace, Love and Pogo Stick





Ambition · Entrepreneur · Family · Goals · Mom Life

My goal for the coming month is…


We all make them, even when we aren’t making them, we are making them. They are constantly in our head. What to do, when to do it by, how to do it, where we need to be, how to get there.

The truth is, that I am sick to death of setting up these massive goals for myself and then killing myself with pressure to get them done in time. So fucking what if i don’t? The sun will still shine, the tide will still come in. But, me, I will be here, dark rings under my eyes from lack of sleep, the shortest fuse because I have no time to waste and stressed to the max, because I set myself up for shit that really doesn’t need to have a time limit on it.

There is no consequence if I do not do something I set out to do and didn’t get it done. So what? Why am I so hard on myself about this shit? Why am I putting more pressure on myself than anyone else ever has. It’s fucking ridiculous.


I am not saying don’t have ambition, Fuck No. Be ambitious as fuck. Slay those dragons, Hustle Bitch. Go out there and be all you can be.

But Do Not kill yourself over it. Don’t stress yourself to the point of no return because you have a goal to reach and a timeline to do it by. Don’t do it. It’s not worth it.

I am no master on the matter, but one thing I know for sure, is that slow and steady wins the race. Getting yourself stressed out and worked up about shit will not get it done in time, And even if you make your deadline, you won’t be happy with the result anyway.

So take it slow. Take time to appreciate things around you. Reach your goals in your time. Life is not about the race, it is about the journey getting there and if you are running all the time, how will you ever get to see and smell the flowers along the way.

So my goal for this coming month is…

I had goals, I did. And then I got man flu. The real kind. You know the type that is worse than giving birth.  And I realised how hard I had been working this year, and how much I had already achieved and I thought Fuck It. My goal for this month is to not have goals. To not kill myself over events and plans and replying to emails in record-breaking time. To spend as much time outside as possible and to Chill The Fuck Out. Because I am already proud of who I am and how far I have come. I don’t need to give a fuck what anyone else thinks.

I will hustle and i will grind, but on my own bitchen time!


Peace Out Yo 😉